Feminine Touch
Styling Mrs Oliver selects nine favourite images by two inspiring female photographers; Cass Bird and Sylve Colless. Both photographers manage to capture fragility as well as strength in their work.
Styling Mrs Oliver is constantly inspired and fascinated by photography, check out the work of these talented female photographers. Colless who has an ambient take on the female form; captures a subtle sensuality in her art. Cass Bird combines femininity with free-spirited mischief that has a unique personality. Click on the links below to see more.
Sylve Colless: http://www.sylvecolless.com/ABOUT
Cass Bird: http://cassbird.tumblr.com/ and http://cassbird.com/portfolio.php?cat=10
Sylve Colless - Andrea & Joen
Cass Bird - Lexi Boling - Vogue 2016
Cass Bird - Ilana Kozlov - Vogue 2015
Sylve Colless - Russh Magazine
Cass Bird - Heather Kemesky - The Line
Sylve Colless - Russh Magazine
Sylve Colless - Private Body of Work
Cass Bird - http://cassbird.tumblr.com/
Cass Bird - Andreea Diaconu - Porter Magazine 2015