My mother used to say ‘send me some photos of you, it is like you don’t even exist!’
I was generally on the other side of the camera and I only ever sent her photos of Frankie and our family.
So this is a call to all mothers out there to celebrate you!
Capture the woman that nurtures her family, her home and her busy life and acknowledge that she continues to dare to be her own person.
Remind yourself that you still have the same mischief or adventure or wicked humour or whatever it is that makes you uniquely you aside from being a Mum and I will capture it, frame it and you can treasure it.
I like to keep things looking natural, I love the candid shots as much as the posed so my portraits aim to be very relaxed to bring out your inner self along the way.
I am inspired by this piece by Lisa Firestone - Huffpost - The Blog, which supports the importance of ‘daring to be your own person.’
She writes;
Thinking about what you want is not a selfish act, but it is a fundamental part of knowing yourself. Asking yourself what your principles are doesn't mean casting everyone else aside. In fact, it often means just the opposite. Deciding what matters to you involves recognising the people who matter to you, determining that they are a priority in your life and that caring for them is part of what makes you happy.
When you live a life that you cherish, everything around you holds more meaning. You are likely to be kinder, more considerate and more understanding of other people and their paths in life. When you are the most fulfilled yourself, you can be the most giving of yourself. A 2002 study showed that happy people are more likely to have "fulfilling marriages and relationships, high incomes, superior work performance, community involvement, robust health, and a long life." The study further indicated that positive emotions are often linked to characteristics like "sociability, optimism, energy, originality, and altruism." You have the most value in the world around you, when you find and invest in the gifts that you uniquely have to offer.
So, ask yourself what lights you up. If you like certain friends or feel good around a group of people, do you make them a priority? If you love a particular activity, how much time do you actually award it? And if you aren't sure what you're passionate about, try a bunch of things. Don't assume you know everything about yourself or put yourself in a box, because you could be missing out.
All photography by Sarah Calvert Photography - Location: Ibiza
Thanks to these three Mammas, Lucy, Rachel & Corina for letting me photograph their ‘inner rock star’.
Any enquiries for portraits contact me
Photography: Sarah Calvert
Photography: Sarah Calvert
Photography: Sarah Calvert
Photography: Sarah Calvert
Photography: Sarah Calvert