Sophie Fontanel - Wise & Inspired
Styling Mrs Oliver is feeling Wise & Inspired; Sophie Fontanel is natural, has an enormous sense of self-confidence, acceptance and possesses a unique style. Women that have harnessed the art of ageing gracefully are an inspiration and muse for younger generations as well as the older one's. What is the definition of ageing gracefully?
Sophie is a fashion columnist and writer, known for her book The Art of Sleeping Alone; she is also an Instagram sensation with her self-styled selfie photos showcasing eclectic oversized mens sweaters, shirts, and pants from vintage stores combined with random high end designer injections. Her style and kooky, fun personality clearly resonate with millions of people as her current status is up to 71K followers.
Check her out on,
Aged 54, Sophie effortlessly defies the confines of what you "should" be like and in her own personal journey of self-discovery is enjoying exactly what she feels like.
Styling Mrs Oliver LOVES her explanation on dressing well.
Sophie Fontanel
To be well dressed, one must be well read.
"It is very important to see things other than magazine things. You have to read good books, to read poetry. It’s when you put nice things into your soul that you understand how to dress well."
Quote taken from Vogue, click here to read more:
Styling Mrs Oliver is researching some fabulous brands and inspirations in the UK this week. Just to give you a taster we LOVE this label called Berenice, not as expensive as Zadig & Voltaire but definitely has a similar vibe and a brand to look out for.
More inspirations coming up when we return to Sydney soon!
Check out the online site here: